Public offer
1.General articles
1.1. ZAO "OBERON-ALPHA", hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", publishes a Public offer for the sale of products, presented on the Seller's official website
1.2. This document is a public offer, and if the individual who accepts the conditions set out below will pay for the Seller's Products in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment for Products by the Buyer means an acceptance of the offer, which is considered equivalent to entering a Contract on the terms set out in the offer.
1.3. Based on the above, please read the text of the public offer carefully, and if you do not agree with any point of the offer, you can refuse to purchase the Products or use the Services provided by the Seller.
1.4. In this offer, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings: "Offer"– a public offer of the Seller, addressed to any individual (citizen), to conclude a sales contract with him (hereinafter - "Contract") on the terms listed in this offer, including all its appendices. "Buyer" – an individual who has concluded an Agreement with the Seller on the terms written in this offer. "Acceptance" – the Buyer's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement. "Product" – an assortment of products presented on the official website. "Order" – individual items from the product assortment list chosen by the Buyer when placing an order on the website or through a manager. "Delivery" – delivery services.
2.Subject of contract
2.1. The Seller sells the Product in accordance with the current price list published on the Seller's website, and the Buyer makes the payment and accepts the Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.2. This Agreement and its appendices are official documents of the Seller and an integral part of the offer.
3.Placing the order
3.1. The Buyer places the order on the website
3.2. When registering on the Seller's website, the Buyer provides the following registration information about himself: last name, first name, actual delivery address; email address; contact phone number.
3.3. When placing the order through a manager, the Buyer provides the information specified in clause 3.2. of this agreement. The Buyer accepts the terms of this Agreement by entering the relevant data in the registration form on the website or when placing the order through a manager. The Buyer has the right to edit the registration information. The operator does not change or edit the customer's registration information without the their consent. The Seller promises not to disclose the Buyer's data provided during registration on the website and when placing the Order, to the people who don`t participate in carrying out the order. After confirming the, the Buyer provides the manager with the necessary information in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 3.2 of this agreement.
3.4. In accordance with the law "On arms", article 18, the Seller is obliged to keep records of purchased and sold weapons, as well as the storage of accounting documentation for 10 years. When purchasing stun guns, the Buyer provides the Seller with their passport data for registering them in the accounting book.
3.5. The Seller and Operator are not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing the Order.
3.6. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order.
3.7. When the Buyer pays for the Order, the Buyer agrees to the terms of this Agreement. The date of the payment is the date of the sales contract between the Seller and the Buyer.
3.8. All information provided on the website, is for reference only and cannot fully convey reliable information about certain properties and characteristics of the Product. If the Buyer has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Product, they should consult the manager before placing the Order.
4.Carrying out the order
4.1. The time needed to carry out the order depends on the availability of the ordered items and the time required to process the Order. In exceptional cases, the time for carrying out the order can be agreed upon with the Buyer individually, depending type and quantity of the ordered Product. If a part of the Order is not available at the seller's storage, including the situation, when it is out of the Seller`s control, the Seller has the right to delete the Product from the Buyer's Order. The seller is required to notify the Buyer of changes in his Order.
4.2. The order is considered delivered at the time of its transfer to the Buyer. By signing the courier list, the Buyer confirms the Order execution.
4.3. If the Buyer provides false contact information, the Seller is not responsible for improper execution of the Order.
4.4. In case of delivery mistake due to the Seller`s fault, repeated delivery of the Order is free of charge.
5.1. Payment for the Order is made by transferring money from the Buyer to the Delivery service or to the Seller's Bank account.
5.2. Prices for any Item listed on the website, can be changed by the Seller without notifying the Buyer. If the price of the ordered item changes, the Operator undertakes to inform the Buyer of such changes as soon as possible. The Buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the Order. If the Seller fails to contact the Buyer, the Order is considered canceled within 14 calendar days after it has been made.
5.3. The conditions for all orders the requite delivery across Russia are specified on the website of ZAO "OBERON-ALPHA" in the "Delivery and payment" section. Manager will specify the delivery terms.
5.4. The payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer.
6. Delivery
6.1. The Seller's obligation to deliver the Goods is considered fulfilled from the moment the Buyer signs the shipping documents.
6.2. The ownership and the risks of accidental damage and/or loss of the Goods pass to the Buyer from the moment of actual transfer of the Goods and signing of the shipping documents and receipt of money by the Seller.
6.3. The delivery cost and terms are specified on the company's website
6.4. In case of refusal of the delivered Order, if the Product quality is proper, the Buyer should compensate the costs of delivery and return of the Order.
7. Refunds
7.1. In accordance with clause 4, article 26.1 of the law No. 2300-I "Protection of consumer rights", the Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Product at any time before the Order is completed.
7.2. The buyer does not have the right to refuse a paid Order (or part of it) of proper quality in accordance with paragraph 2 of the "List of non-food products of proper quality that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of other size, shape, size, style, color or configuration", approved by the government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of 19.01.1998.
7.3. If the Seller delivers an Order of improper quality, the Buyer should deliver the Goods to the Seller's office as soon as possible to check their quality.
7.4. In accordance with article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-I Protection of consumer rights ", the amount paid by the Buyer for Goods of improper quality is subject to refund to the Buyer within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of the corresponding claim. The refund is made in cash at the office of Seller, the cost of paid delivery is not be returned. If the Product was paid for via an electronic payment system, the refund is made to the Buyer's electronic account within 5 business days.
7.5. The return of the Product is made on the basis of a written request from the Buyer provided to the Seller's office.
7.6. The return of the Product of proper quality is made at the expense of the Buyer and is organized by them independently.
7.7. Returns accepted on work days from 10-00 to 17-00 at the Seller's sales office.
7.8. When the Buyer returns the Product of proper quality, an invoice is drawn up, which specifies:
- The Seller`s full company name;
- Last name, first name, patronymic and passport number of the Buyer;
- Name of the Products;
- Reason for returning the Product;
- Date;
- The sum to be refunded;
- Signatures of the Seller and Buyer.
7.9. The refund is made no later than 10 (ten) days from the date of submission of the corresponding request by the Buyer.
7.10. To return money to a Bank card, the Customer must fill out the "Application for a refund", which is sent by the Company to the Customer's email address upon request, and send it along with a copy of Buyer`s passport to the address: Moscow, shosse Entuziastov, 56, p.25.
8.1. All text information and graphic images posted on the website, are the property of the Seller and/or its suppliers and manufacturers of the Product.
9.Rights, duties and responsibilities
9.1. The seller is not responsible for improper use of goods ordered by the Buyer on the website or through the Operator.
9.2. The seller has the right to transfer its rights and obligations to execute Orders to third parties.
9.3. The seller has the right to record telephone conversations with the Buyer. In accordance with clause 4 of article 16 of the Federal law "On information, information technologies and information protection", the Seller undertakes to: prevent attempts to unauthorized access to information and/or transfer it to persons who are not directly involved in the execution of Orders and/or its control; promptly detect and prevent such facts. Telephone conversations are recorded in order to monitor the Operator's activities and control the quality of Order execution.
9.4. Ownership of the Order, as well as the risk of its accidental loss or damage, passes to the Buyer from the moment the Order is transferred to the Buyer and the Seller receives funds.
9.5. The Buyer has the right to send all claims for improper execution of the order to the email address specified on the website, in the Contacts section. All received information is processed as soon as possible.
A user who leaves a request on the site or subscribes to notifications about information at, agrees to accept Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as Consent). Acceptance of the offer of this Consent is the User's registration on the Site or submitting an application for receiving a product/service. The user gives his consent to ZAO "OBERON-ALPHA", located at Moscow, shosse Entuziastov, 56, building 25, to process his personal data with the following conditions:
10.1. Consent is given to the processing of personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.
10.2. Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data: full Name; contact phone Numbers; email Addresses; Address. In accordance with the law "On weapons", article 18, the Seller is obliged to keep records of purchased and sold weapons, as well as the storage of accounting documents for 10 years. When purchasing stun guns, the Buyer provides the seller with their passport data for entering them in the accounting book.
10.3. Personal data is not publicly available.
10.4. The purpose of personal data processing is to provide the user with information about the reliable terms of the offered service.
10.5. The basis for processing personal data is Article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; article 6 of Federal law No. 152-FZ and other Federal laws and regulations.
10.6. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.
10.7. The transfer of personal data to third parties is carried out according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement with the participation of the User or with the consent of the User. Personal data is not transferred to third parties.
10.8. Personal data are saved by ZAO "OBERON-ALPHA" for the next ten years. Personal data is stored in accordance with Federal law 125-FZ and other normative legal acts in the field of archival business and archival storage.
10.9. The consent can be withdrawn by the User by sending a written application to OBERON-ALPHA, to the email address
10.10. This consent is valid all the time until the termination of processing of personal data as specified in clauses 8 and 9 of this Consent.