In this article, we will look at what documents establish the rules for storing weapons, and consider the most common myths and misconceptions on this topic.
- In accordance with the fifth part of article 22 of Federal law No. 150-FZ "On weapons", civil and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons. The rules for stioring, carrying, transporting, transporting and disposing of weapons are determined in the first part of article 25 of the Federal law "On weapons".
- Paragraph 59 of the State Decree of 21.07.1998 N 814 "On measures to regulate the turnover of civil and service weapons and ammunition in the territory of the Russian Federation" states that:
- Weapons and cartridges belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as initiating and igniting substances and materials (gunpowder, primers) for self-equipping cartridges for civilian firearms with long-barreled weapons must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with the conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in lockable safes, safe cabinets or metal cabinets for storing weapons, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes upholstered with iron. The Federal service of the national guard of the Russian Federation and the police have the right to check the storage conditions of registered weapons.
- Storage of weapons, cartridges, as well as initiating and igniting substances and materials (gunpowder, caps) for self-equipment of cartridges for civilian firearms long-barreled weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with the conditions that exclude access to them by unauthorized persons.
- Citizens of the Russian Federation who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs can store their weapons and ammunition at sports shooting stands at the place of training shooting and competitions. - Paragraph 162 Of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 12.4.1999 N 288 states that: "Citizens of the Russian Federation must store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence in lockable safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes upholstered with iron; in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the safety of their storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons. Citizens of the Russian Federation who legally have weapons and ammunition may store them in places of temporary stay in compliance with the conditions that ensure their safety."
In accordance with the Federal law "On weapons", the owner of a hunting weapon follow these rules:
- Storage conditions for weapons and ammunition must ensure their safety and security. Unauthorized persons should not have access to weapons. The weapon storage safe must have a lock;
- Illegally purchased or found weapons must be handed over to the police. In this case, responsibility for illegal possession of weapons is not borne;
Read the article "Illegal possession of weapons" - Temporary storage of weapons outside the home must ensure their safety;
- In the event of a change of residence, the citizen must register the weapon at the place of new registration.
Myths about weapons storage
There are many misconceptions about the rules for storing weapons. Let's look at the most common ones:
- The safe must be bolted to the wall - paragraph 59 of Government Decree No. 814 lists the rules for storing weapons. There are no such requirements listed.
- Minimum wall thickness of the safe - the wall Thickness of the safe is regulated for legal entities; no such requirements are specified for civilian safes.
- Use of electronic locks in the safe - any lock can be used.
- Weapons and ammunition for them must be stored separately Separate storage of weapons and ammunition and the presence of a separate lockable box for ammunition-paragraph 59 of Government Decree No. 814 lists the rules for storing weapons. There are no such requirements listed.
- It is required to install an alarm system, bars on the windows, and additionally equip the room where weapons are stored - paragraph 59 of Government Decree No. 814 lists the rules for storing weapons. There are no such requirements listed.
2020-12-02 11:50:39
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