
Choosing a legal means for self-defense. We will help you figure out what self-defense weapons to buy for yourself or your family, and how not to violate the law on permissible self-defense.


What belongs to the category of self-defense weapons

According to article 3 Of the law on weapons No. 150-FZ, civil self-defense weapons are divided into the following groups:
- long-barreled firearms with bullets, including those with traumatic bullets;
- firearms (pistols, revolvers, firearms without barrels that are made in Russia) with traumatic, gas or flashbang bullets;
- gas weapons, which include gas pistols and revolvers, including cartridges for them, mechanical aerosols and sprays and other devices equipped with tear or irritating substances;
- stun guns made in Russia that meet the requirements of GOST

Any of the listed products must be purchased from a licensed seller, pass a medical and biological examination, and have a certificate of compliance. Civilian self-defense weapons must be non-lethal-safe for human life.

Smoothbore weapons are the most powerful and dangerous weapons for self-defense. To purchase it, Russian citizens who have reached the age of 18 must obtain a license to purchase weapons.

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