
In many cities of Russia there are problems of a large number of stray dogs on the street. And although most of them are non-aggressive and do not pose a danger, some dogs can show aggression or behave threateningly.


How to react to a dog attack

Most people try to run away when they are attacked by a dog. This reaction is understandable, but dog handlers do not recommend trying to escape from the dog. Four-legged animals are usually faster than humans. They are catching up with their victim. Moreover, the weather increases their aggression, as they view a running object as prey.

How to react to a dog attack

Most people tend to take their legs in their hands and run when they are attacked by a dog. This reaction is an innate flight instinct practiced by our ancestors many years ago. However, dog experts recommend refraining from this spontaneous reaction. Four-legged animals are usually faster than humans. They catch up with their victim. Moreover, running away increases their aggressiveness. They consider the running person as prey.

Self-defense against dog attack

Step 1: Keep calm

Dog experts tend to advise a confident demeanor rather than a frantic overreaction. To do this, stand up straight and call out in a confident voice either “off” or “get lost.”

However, the person being attacked must by no means appear insecure or shy. Because dogs sense this insecurity. Accordingly, it would continue its attack unimpressed.

Also, do not look the dog directly in the eye, as this can be interpreted as aggression. Look sideways past him, so you still have in view.

Also, stand to the side of the dog so that your entire body does not become a target and you have more options for defense.

If you live in an area with lots of stray dogs, it may be useful to carry some dry dog food around. It may be a good way to distract a pushy dog and turn its intentions into the positive direction. Instead of attacking or intimidating you, it will expect food from you.

Step 2: Move to safety

If the intimidation option does not work, it is worth climbing up an object that the dog cannot reach. If possible, pick a rock or a stick, as street dogs know to fear agression from people too. Use the strict voice to tell the dog off. Don`t let the fear show.

Step 3: The confrontation

We strongly recommend you NOT to fight a dog in a fight. This is because there will most likely be an injury. However, you may not be able to escape and intimidation may not help.

If it comes to that, then self-defense weapons or the tips below on hand-to-hand combat will help you.

Step 4: Call for help

In addition, attacked people can ask passers-by for help. In this way, they will understand the seriousness of the situation. They may be able to distract the dog by throwing it a stick or offering a treat. By calling for help, passersby realize that the dog and the attacker do not belong together and that the person being attacked is actually in need of help.

Dog repellents against an attack

In practice, different defenses exist that have proven to be effective defensive weapons.

Pepper spray

Pepper spray is a popular legal self-defense weapon that women usually have in their handbags to defend themselves against an attack by a human. For a dog attack, on the other hand, a dog defense spray or a pepper gun is used.

These weapons are among the effective methods, as they require only a mediocre distance from the dog. In addition, their effectiveness is sufficient to subsequently take flight and immobilize the quadruped.

However, the disadvantage is the medium range. The dog has to get quite close for the users to spray the spray into its eyes as well as onto its sensitive muzzle. Under no circumstances should they spray next to it, as this will increase the aggressiveness of the four-legged friend.

Stun Gun

Electricity is an effective tool that has proven equally effective in a dog and human attack in practice.

However, this dog defense tool requires direct contact with the attacker.

You also need to know how to use it correctly to incapacitate the dog. The disadvantage of this dog repellent is its short range. However, the advantage is that after the stun gun has been used, the dog will retreat and won`t continue its attack.

Stun gun AVATAR

2023-01-18 23:30:14


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