For the engineering project PIVT - pyrotechnical imitator of a tank shot - 200 PSSH-1 flash-noise cartridges were designed, tested and assembled to simulate a tank shot.
Flashbang cartridge PSH-1 is designed to simulate a tank shot. The product is triggered, providing a visual and sound imitation of the shot.
22 PSH-1 cartridges are installed in the PIVT magazine.
PSH-1 cartridge has an electrical initiation. The product is equipped with a gas generator, an obturator, a photo mixture. The front section of the cartridge is closed with a sealed plug. The bottom has a sealing ring.
When electric current is applied to the electrical contacts of the cartridge, the initiator is triggered, which ignites the suspension of the gas generator. The gases formed as a result of the combustion create high pressure, which opens the sealing in the gas generator. The pressure pushes the plug and photo mixture out of the cartridge, which is dispersed in the air and ignited by the flame force formed by the gas generator. This creates a sharp sound, and the burning photo mixture forms a bright flash.