Stun gun ZEUS for police is a poweful stun gun that is used by law enforcement officers. ZEUS is used for self-defense and detention of criminals. Stun guns are used to make offenders follow officer`s orders, to detain suspects without causing them serious bodily harm.
This video was made in collaboration with journalists and Russian law enforcement to demonstrate police stun gun ZEUS.
Stun gun ZEUS is a remote-contact stun gun that stops an offender at a maximum safe distance. Remote cartridges stun an offender at a distance up to 5 meters (8,5 meters for cartridges KD+). Flashbang cartridges temporarily blind and stun an offender without causing a lasting bodily harm. See how it is done in the high-speed video 9000 frames/sec.
The video was being shot in Russian law enforcement qualification institute and OBERON-ALPHA office. We interviewed police officers that use stun gun ZEUS on every day basis.