People suffering from allergies to cold may experience significant discomfort and restriction in daily activities. In this article we will talk about the causes of allergies, how to recognize it and how to treat its consequences.
Allergy to cold: causes, symptoms and treatment
Allergy to cold is a rare form of allergic reaction to cold temperatures or contact with cold objects. Its occurance is associated with the immunological reaction of the body to a change in temperature.
However, the exact causes of cold allergy are still not fully understood and are not yet the subject of consensus among doctors and researchers.
What does a cold allergy look like?
Cold allergy symptoms can occur in different ways in different people.
Usually the main symptom of allergy to cold is the skin rash on areas of the body that have been exposed to cold. The rash may be accompanied by itching, redness. In some cases, symptoms similar to an allergic reaction may occur in the form of difficulty breathing, runny nose, cough or headache. With a chronic course of cold allergy, persistent redness, dry skin, cracks and wounds that do not heal for a long time.
Allergy to cold, manifested on the face, can lead to the appearance of cheilitis — an inflammatory disease affecting the red border of the lips. Patients have complaints of redness, constant dryness, peeling and a feeling of tightness of the skin in this place. They start licking their lips, which only makes the situation worse.
It is important to note that allergy to cold can be chronic or temporary. In some people, symptoms may appear only with prolonged or intense contact with cold, while in others, symptoms may occur even with a slight change in temperature.
Cold allergy treatment
Recommendations for cold allergy treatment mainly concern preventive measures and include the following measures:
- Minimize the time spent in the cold and sudden temperature changes. Wear warm clothes, use gloves, scarves and hats to protect yourself from the cold. Avoid swimming in cold water or staying in the cold for a long time.
- Use medications to relieve symptoms: Use ointments or creams with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties to relieve symptoms of allergy to cold. They can help reduce itching and inflammation of the skin.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Strengthening the immune system can help reduce allergic reactions. Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, adequate sleep and stress management can help strengthen the immune system. And if the symptoms of allergy to cold significantly affect the quality of life or do not improve after using home treatments, you should consult a doctor.
In addition, it should be emphasized that any allergy, including allergy to cold, very often appears in connection to chronic pathologies accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and frequent stress, which may also require examination by a doctor. It should be noted that allergy pills should be taken by prescription.
EPLAN is a universal remedy for rapid healing of burns, wounds, any skin damage
Treatment of cold allergy is done conservative methods. Local medications are used to help relieve symptoms. We recommend trying EPLUN medication in the form of a solution or ointment. Apply it in a thin layer on the affected areas for quick relief from itching, rashes and swelling of tissues.
Areas of application of EPLUN : the remedy is used to heal such consequences of an allergic reaction as combs, cracks, wounds and abrasions that occur on damaged skin. The drug relieves redness and inflammation and prevents the development of secondary infection of wounds. EPLUN can be used both on the body (which is especially important for chapped, cracked skin of the hands) and on the face. The product does not have a strong smell, is quickly absorbed and has a noticeable effect after short-term use.